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Balinese Flavours

The difference between Balinese cuisine and other Indonesian cuisines is in the two basic spice pastes.Base megenep(base genep) and base wangenan.Prepared by pounding different herbs and spices on a flat mortar and mixing the together afterwards.both originally intended to mask and neutralise the trong flavours of pork,duck and goat meat also fish & seafood. Gradually,they become an integral part of Balinese cooking.The most typical ingredients are;shallots,ginger,pepper,garlic,candlenuts,galagal,lemongrass,chillies(rawit&lombok),shrimp paste,lime,tumeric,palm/coconut sugar,tamarind,coriander,nutmeg,cinnamon,cloves and salt. Another item particular to Balinese cuisine is the flavour of kecap manis, a sweet and syrupy soy sauce.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Kue Serabi (pancakes w/coconut sauce)

300gr flour
2 eggs
2 teaspoon yeast
1/4 teaspoon salt
300 ml coconut milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence
375 ml coconut milk
125g palmsugar
2 teaspoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 pandan leaf
-Beat the egss and beat/mix it with flour,yeast,vanilla,salt and coconut milk into a batter. Cover the batter and let it rest for 1 hour.
Heat in a wok put some butter and put some of the batter in and form a pancake. Bake the pancake brown in 4-5 minutes. Put some of the sauce on top and serve.
-Fot the sauce: Heat in a pan the coconut milk and add both sugars, the salt and the pandan leaf and let it cook slowly until the sugars have dissolved ♥

1 comment:

Raja Bolen said...

Terimakasih Artikel Kue Serabi (pancakes w/coconut sauce) nya bagus dan membantu sekali, semoga sukses selalu yaa .. Aamiin
Salam Resep Kue Kering Lebaran