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Balinese Flavours

The difference between Balinese cuisine and other Indonesian cuisines is in the two basic spice pastes.Base megenep(base genep) and base wangenan.Prepared by pounding different herbs and spices on a flat mortar and mixing the together afterwards.both originally intended to mask and neutralise the trong flavours of pork,duck and goat meat also fish & seafood. Gradually,they become an integral part of Balinese cooking.The most typical ingredients are;shallots,ginger,pepper,garlic,candlenuts,galagal,lemongrass,chillies(rawit&lombok),shrimp paste,lime,tumeric,palm/coconut sugar,tamarind,coriander,nutmeg,cinnamon,cloves and salt. Another item particular to Balinese cuisine is the flavour of kecap manis, a sweet and syrupy soy sauce.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

My Heaven

I look deep in your eyes.
I see there what I feel inside.
We share something between us,
Neither one of us can hide.
I feel your lips touch mine,
I loose all my control,
All it took was a look and a kiss,
To know you were part of my soul.
I see your hands on my skin,
I want and need you to do more,
The passionate look you give me,
Tells me heaven is in store.
I feel your need against my thigh,
I know you will fulfill every wish,.
We were made to fit together,
And all it took was a look and a kiss.
I look deep in your eyes,
And I see heaven there inside,
You make me feel so beautiful,
What I feel for you I cannot hide.

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